Extending & Customizing the ExtraView Issue-Tracking Platform
ExtraView Enterprise has a richer feature set than any other product of its type. With only simple point-and-click configuration, sophisticated, fully-featured issue-tracking systems may be built. Integrations extend the reach of ExtraView to couple with many other systems. However, there are times when there is a need to implement a process or validation which no off-the-shelf software product could ever have envisaged. At these times, ExtraView offers the ability to place code into its environment. The secret is that this code does not in any way alter the base code of ExtraView. Thus, your investment in extensions is fully protected when it comes to upgrading your site to a newer version of ExtraView as your existing code will work without change.

Integration Interfaces
▶ SOAP |
Simple Object Access Protocol Web Services API. Add and update issues as well as manipulate metadata and run reports with this interface. EV may act as both a client and a server using Web Services. |
▶ REST |
Web Orientated Architecture API using a RESTful protocol. Add and update issues as well as manipulate metadata and run reports with this interface. Given its direct usage over the HTTP protocol, this is a very simple, lightweight interface which performs very similarly to the SOAP interface. |
▶ LDAP / Active Directory |
Connect directly to a centralized directory service. Includes support for SSO. |
▶ User Custom Java |
A set of Java API's that allow a developer to extend the base ExtraView functionality, without altering any of the base source software of ExtraView. Approximately 70 points of extension exist, allowing you to interact with virtually all of the processes within ExtraView. For example, before a field is drawn on the screen, you may use code to modify its contents. Another example may be to perform some special validation before you insert an issue in the database. You may modify many factors in the environment to meet your needs. |
▶ User Custom JavaScript |
Extend the ExtraView on-screen forms with custom JavaScript methods to enhance the user's experience. For example, you might want to perform some on-screen calculations between fields or with a formula specific to your process. |
▶ Command Line Interface (CLI) |
A Perl-based set of commands that reside on top of the WOA interface, enabling a scripted and Telnet interface to ExtraView. You can either use the CLI as an interface to use EV, or you may use the CLI to compose your own scripts that interact with the ExtraView database. |
▶ Email |
Insert and update issues via a scriptable email interface. The script may be modified to provide rules to assist your workflow in setting values or assigning incoming mail. |
▶ Active Links |
Any field on a screen form may be flagged with a link, allowing it to be used to call remote applications, passing any number of field values to the remote application from ExtraView. |